Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Reincarnation Again

    • Introduction

    • Origin of the Project

  • 2

    SESSION ONE: Self-Rectification (Tikun)

    • Tikun

    • Five Levels of Soul

    • Order of Soul Entry

    • 02 Order of Entry of NR"N

  • 3

    SESSION TWO: Five Levels of Soul

    • Soul

    • Self-Rectification

  • 4

    SESSION THREE: Cases of Reincarnation

    • Cases

    • Pardes & Iyov

    • Cases of Reincarnation

  • 5

    SESSION FOUR: Life's Mission

    • Mission

    • Life's Mission

  • 6

    SESSION FIVE: Types of Reincarnation

    • Types

    • Types of Reincarnation

  • 7

    SESSION SIX: Spies Across Time

    • Spies

    • Spies Across Time

  • 8

    SESSION SEVEN: Time Running Out

    • Time

    • Time Running Out

  • 9


    • Glossary

  • 10

    Other Reincarnation PDF Books

    • Sha'ar HaGilgulim Complete

    • What Goes Around

    • Reincarnation Clarified